Friday, February 28, 2020


On Saturday 15th I joined the Gothenburg Gamers and friends for a special big game – Operation Chromite - the 1950 UN landings at Inchon during the Korean War.  The game was held in Garvald Village Hall with lunch provided in the Garvald Inn.  The troops and terrain came mainly from the collections of Colin Jack, Peter Nicholson, Chris Henry and Rob Anderson.  Chris Henry who developed the scenario altered the historical events to allow Chinese Volunteer Army reinforcements to arrive several months early to support their North Korean comrades. 

Rob Anderson and I commanded the UN (entirely US) forces landing on the southern Blue beech.  Our 2 battalions of Marines (Bolt Action Platoons) faced a few Korean troops as we landed and Rob then had to fight of a human wave counter-attack by the Chinese volunteers on his end of the beach.   We then had to move thru the southern suburbs towards the centre of Inchon but were slowed down to advance moves by the rubble blocking all the minor roads.  The landings on the northern Red beach went well but struggled with the blocked roads and were held up by more Chinese volunteers supported by T34/85s and SU-76 SPGs.  The UN had massed M7 Priests on Wolmi-do Island to support the Northern attack but they all fell victim to North Korean infiltrators as the UN failed to provide any infantry security troops for the M7s.   The UN air attacks proved relatively ineffective.  Air attacks in the Korean War supplement are much less effective than in the basic WW2 Bolt Action rules.  At the end of the game the winners were declared to be the few surviving North Koreans who still held the vital temple in the centre of Inchon.

A good fun day overall and an unusual subject.    Below is a link to my photos on Flickr.

Central Inchon - the vital temple clearly shown - before the bombardment

Rob's marines approach the beach end of Blue beach

My force disembarks on the quay front at Blue Beach

UN troops and armour pour ashore on Red Beach - note all the armour is here...and Peter Nicholson

USAF in action

The unfortunate M7s burning on Wolmi-do Island - infiltrators in action

US F4U Corsairs fill the skies

Thursday, February 27, 2020


On Wednesday Donald Adamson, Colin Jack and I played the second scenario from Warlord’s Campaign D-Day: Overlord book.  The game was staged in my garage and the centre point was the massive 4Ground Pegasus Bridge.  I have been given this to sell on eBay.  Scenario 2 is the initial British glider Coup de Main to capture the bridge.  I umpired, Colin commanded the British and Donald the surprised German defenders.

We used Bolt Action and it was a British triumph, Colin losing only 3 figures to take the bridge.  They had one fatality more than in the historical action.   The British veterans emerged from their safely landed gliders and at short range made fairly quick work of the on table dug-in Osttruppen.  This was the first time we have used the BA night fighting rules including the flare option.
During the game we had a power cut of half an hour – luckily endless candles were provided by Mrs Gilchrist - and play continued.  Here is a link to all my photos:

We will use this layout again – scenario 3 ‘Taking the West bank’ beckons. ….if I still have the bridge.

Here is the OB
Major Howard and companion
2nd Lieut and companion 
4 Para Sections of 2 SMG, 4 Rifles, Lmg
2 Sections of Royal Eng with SMG, 4 Rifles
3 Horsa Gliders – there must be no more than 2 sections and an officer in each glider.  Glider rules pg 200
Note - All Brits are Veterans and Stubborn.


On Table
5 Inexp MMGs
2 Osttruppen squads (Shirkers) of SMG, 6 Rifles
1 Inexp Med AT gun in Vt600
1 Bunker
Note - All on table units start with 1 pin marker.

In reserve on west side of bridge
Reg 2nd Lieut and 2 companions
2 Osttruppen squads (Shirkers) of SMG, 6 Rifles
Layout setup before the action

Glider 1 bursts thru the barbed wire

Major Howard opens up with his sten.  Take that Gerry!

Yes this is night time - Colin and Donald survey the scene

2nd section climb the bridge

German commander attempts to surrender to Major Howard.  Sorry sir I thought he was reaching for his gun!