Sunday, November 11, 2012

TARGE 2012

This Saturday I went to the Kirriemuir Wargames Club's show Targe 2012.

Colin Jack put together a game from the Very British Conquest of Space with various alien factions attacking the 1950s Anglo-Canadian secret airfield/ rocket base at Fort Churchill with its underground laboratory. I supported Colin by running some of the games and during the day I think Colin and I each ran 4 fun games each. We used a slightly adapted version of the 7TV rules. The attacking and defending players both got to select their team from a variety of evil and good teams. I was pleased that our game won the trophy for best PP game.

SESWC - British Conquest of Space - A4(GB) prepares to launch
All my photos of the show at my flickr site below

My highlights from the show were the the Iron Brigades Viking Saga game (which deservedly won best display), the Border Reivers Vietnam game, the League of Augsburg’s Nine Years War siege game set in Ireland and Dave Imrie’s fine Otterburn game. A few photos of these below……

Border Reveir's 28mm Vietnam War

The League of Augsburg - ficticious Irish Jacobite siege relief scenario set in 1690's

Dave Imrie's Battle of Otterburn

Iron Brigade - Viking saga
I got some good bargains at the Bring and Buy and stocked up on some necessities for the long winter months as Targe should be my last show of the year.
My thanks again to Dale Smith for all the effort he and his fellow club members put into it's organisation.

Link to the Targe website

1 comment:

  1. Well done Bill and Colin.

    Best PP game, that wan't a surprise!

