Monday, December 5, 2011

Japan 1614 - Battle of the Bridge at Konaga

This game was a fictional action set in Japan in 1614 played using the Gleaming Katanas samurai of the variant Black Powder Rules.
Hugh Wilson and Colin Jack commanded the Toyotomi faction whilst Olivier Lepreux and myself commanded the Tokugawa faction. Donald Adamson came up with the scenario which was a combination of 2 of CS Grants Table Top Teasers and also acted as the non playing umpire. Hugh Wilson provided most of the terrain with some of the buildings coming from the collection of Colin Jack. Hugh, Donald, Olivier and Colin provided the figures - for once I was a freeloader! My thanks to olivier for both playing and also cooking us an excellent chicken idea for another game.

The bold but doomed advance of the Tokugawa into the forest of shinzo
 The game was played with the 66% version of the BP rules - reducing movement and firing ranges but we kept command, proximity and support distances to their norms.

It was a fun game but both Tokugawa forces failed to take their objectives - Olivier was stopped by the heroic reaguard of Hugh's troops at the bridge whilst my command moving thru the forest lost more than half its strength and never got beyond the woodcutters hut.  The Ashigaru shot troops and their Portugese allies proved deadly in the forest fighting!

Here is the link to FlickR photoset with descriptions of the photos.

The game was fought across a 9ft by 6ft table. This size and the design of the scenario allowed the game to be played comfortably by 2 players a side. The main feature of the terrain was the river with the vital bridge and ford which had to be held by the Toyotoni faction. The other main feature was the forest of Shinzo thru which the right wing Tokugawa force had to pass to reach the ford. The sketch map is below.
Sketch map of the battlefield
The briefing notes for the 4 players which Donald prepared are included below.

The Bridge at Konaga - Tokugawa Iestu
The year is 1614, and you command a force of 14 units
Situation - You have been at Tumbo Mountain since early this morning. Your force has been sent ahead of the main Tokugawa army with orders to seize the bridge and crossing of the River Koneso at Konaga. You are supported by a force to the East, commanded by Tokugawa Ifan, which is seeking to seize a ford over the Koneso.
Mission - Your mission is to seize the bridge crossing at Konaga, and thus allow the Tokugawa army, which follows, to turn Hideyori’s flank, and proceed with the march on Osaka.
Limitations - The Bridge must be taken intact – there is no bridging capability nearer than a week away. Reinforcements will not reach you for one day, and thus you must be able to hold the bridge, after taking it, against a possible major counter attack.
Forces - These should be kept secret. These comprise 14 units of mixed samurai and ashigaru.
You ordered forward a scouting party onto Tumbo Mountain last evening. They reported seeing the following troops – a mounted unit of samurai on the low, long hill opposite Tumbo mountain, at least one infantry unit in front of the bridge, and activity on and around the bridge.
Your troops have arrived under cover of darkness, and are ready to march on in column along the track entering the board on the south-west corner.
Bridge Preparation
Men appear to be preparing the bridge for demolition. Time is of the essence if your objective is to be achieved.

The Ford at Konaga - Tokugawa Hywil
The year is 1614, and you command a force of 12 units.
Situation - You are approaching the southern edge of the Forest of Shinzo. Your force has been sent ahead of the main army with orders to seize the ford and then hold the crossing of the River Koneso at Konaga. Reinforcements will not reach you until two days time. Your brother, Tokugawa Iestu, has a force attacking the bridge to your west.
Mission - Your mission is to seize the ford crossing at Konaga.
Forces - These should be kept secret. These comprise 12 units
You arrive on the southern edge of the table in line of march on a track. This track makes its way through the forest, but troops can move at half pace through all parts of the forest, and thus the track may not be the best route.
The Portuguese Friar - Your men have captured a Portuguese Friar, and under torture he has revealed that a force of at least your size is hidden within the woods, along the line of the track.
The Forest of Shinzo - The forest is open, and can be penetrated by both foot and cavalry at half pace. Normal visibility within the forest is 16 ins, but your scouts believe that hidden troops cannot be seen outside 3ins, provided they do not move or fire.

The Bridge at Konaga – Toyotomi Poraig
The year is 1614, and you command a force of 7 units.
Situation - You have been at Konaga since yesterday. Your force has been sent ahead of the main army with orders to prevent the Tokugawa forces seizing the bridge and crossing the River Koneso at Konaga. Reinforcements will not reach you until two days time. Holding the line of the river is vital in the defence of Osaka, and you are charged to do this by your liege lord and cousin, Toyotomi Hideyori.
Mission - Your mission is to hold the bridge crossing at Konigen, and thus prevent the Tokugawa seizing it, and using it as a crossing for their army.
Limitations - The Bridge must not fall into enemy hands. It would be preferable to keep it intact but it may be destroyed to achieve the mission. You may not deploy south of the low long hill, south of the bridge.
Forces - These should be kept secret. These comprise 7 units and 1 party of engineers with Portuguese advisors.
An advance party of troops arrived last evening, and these comprised one unit of samurai infantry which took up defensive positions to the south of the bridge, a party of engineers which immediately began to inspect the bridge for possible demolition, and a unit of samurai cavalry which rode forward as far as the crest of the low, long hill.
They saw a scouting party of Tokugawa across the valley on the major hill to the west (Tumbo Mountain) last evening. You expect the Tokugawa to arrive from this direction this morning.
Your other troops arrived under cover of darkness, and can be placed anywhere on the board north of the low, long hill. Any troops in dead ground behind a hill, or in woods, or in Konaga do not have to be placed on the Board, but are indicated to the Umpire on a map.
Bridge Preparation - Consult the Umpire for the mechanics of how to prepare the bridge for demolition. N.B. only you as the general figure can give the order to blow the bridge, and you have to be at the bridge to do so (or within 6 inches).

The Ford at Konaga – Toyotomi Shaymo
The year is 1614, and you command a force of 8 units.
Situation - You have been at Konaga since yesterday. Your force has been sent ahead of the main army with orders to prevent the Tokugawa forces seizing the ford and crossing the River Koneso at Konaga. Reinforcements will not reach you until two days time. Holding the line of the river is vital in the defence of Osaka, and you are charged to do this by your liege lord and cousin, Toyotomi Hideyori. Your brother, Toyotomi Poraig has a force defending the bridge to your west.
Mission - Your mission is to hold the ford crossing at Konaga, and thus prevent the Tokugawa seizing it, and using it as a crossing for their army.
Forces - These should be kept secret. These comprise 6 units of Japanese and 2 units of Portuguese troops, led by Fernando Pinto.
You may set up in cover, and hidden until you move, any of your eight units within the great forest of Shinzo, which lies south of the ford. A track makes its way through the forest, but troops can move at half pace though all parts of the forest, and thus the track may not be the route taken by the enemy. There is a large area of bog by the river, and between the ford and the bridge. You know that this is in fact an area of quick-sand and totally impenetrable.
The Portuguese gambit - Your spies have told you that the Tokugawa will come from the south, and probably along the line of the track. Pinto has offered to take his men by ship and land behind the enemy. They can then arrive on the southern edge of the map in 2x D6 moves. You do not have to accept his offer, and can deploy them hidden with your troops if you wish.
The Forest of Shinzo - The forest is open, and can be penetrated by both foot and cavalry at half pace. Normal visibility within the forest is 16 ins, but your men have prepared hides cunningly and cannot be seen outside 3ins, provided they do not move or fire.

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